The UTeamFix Infiltration Game Bridge

Infiltration was written by Sentry Studios (formerly Catalytic Conversions).

Infiltration is (similar and yet different to Serpentine) another real gun mod, although at some point there was a debate whether it should be going towards more realism or more fun. There are derelict classes inside the final code, like magical artifacts and textures which are never used but remain behind in the package...


As any other Game Bridge :) See the page you just came from! To RUN the Serpentine games after installation, you have to activate a new mutator called "GB_Infiltration".

!IMPORTANT! This game bridge requires a few files from the original Infiltration mod besides just 'Infiltration.u'!

InfiltrationT.utx must be in your Server's texture directory. It does not need to be in the server package list, but it has to be accessible. It will be automatically loaded by the game-bridge. This file is part of your normal Infiltration installation!

InfSkins.utx must be in your server package list if you intend to use the original team textures for Infiltration Standoff. Otherwise, it is not needed. This file is part of your normal Infiltration installation!

Game Bridge Accuracy - how "original" is it

Hmm well that depends on the point of view I think. Certainly, a lot will look differnt. I have recreated Infiltration the way I would have made it had I been in the original developer team.

Original DM mode in Infiltration was extremely buggy, because many features (like Weapon recoil) require the Infiltration player classes which were not used in that mode. UTF with its direct support of the mod eradicates all of these bugs and problems.

The HUD looks different in all cases, because the normal UTF HUD is being used with just a few minor tweaks to it. You do see a few things you would not see in normal Infiltration, like the real ammo textures which were created but never used.

Menues and some features of original Infiltration have been completely ignored for this game bridge. You will find the usual UTF menues only, and the 'levelvote' command is non-existent.

Original game-modes vs UTF Game-Bridge Game modes

DM mode has all bugs fixed, you can even have the mutator disable the recoil if you want the exact feeling of the 'old' Infiltration DM.

Team-DM is new (unless you know the Infiltration_Wads mod I wrote a while back). I always liked teamplay in Infiltration but there was a time I disliked the sluggishness of INF-Standoff. That's where Team-DM for Infiltration came in... this game mode does NOT exist in normal Infiltration.

The Infiltration Classic mode (where one team has to steal a CD and the other team protects it) is currently NOT supported by UTF.

Standoff is implemented by the normal Standoff setting in the game settings. It looks quite different but does effectively the same.

Extra Features (non-original)

Visible Changes to original

Non-visible Changes to original

Settings (mutator)

Just as with other Game Bridge mutators, you can find the settings under advanced options - mutators - GB_Infiltration.

bAllowDampener If true, Sound Dampener will not be replaced/destroyed in the game. false
bNoWeaponKick If true, there is no weapon recoil, so your aim will not change when firing. false
PlayerStandoffSpeed If you use the standoff mode, this is what the player speed will be multiplied with. So by default, all players move 50% as fast as usual.
NOTE: Most of today's Infiltration Standoff servers run with a setting of 0.6, but 0.5 is the original default value.
StandoffTeamSetup Another setting which is only effective should you use standoff mode.
  1. UnrealSkins makes all teams just as in normal Unreal (red, blue, green and gold). If you have installed the optional UTeamSkin package, you can use the alternate human team skins in your standoff-team-game.
  2. InfTeams3 will give you the original 3 team names and colors in standoff: desert, urban and jungle. If you allow 4 teams with this setting, it will be ignored and the setting UnrealSkins will be used!
  3. InfTeams5 will give you InfTeams3 and Red and Blue teams as originally defined by Infiltration. Yes people, there were also red and blue teams in the original Infiltration with custom skins!
IMPORTANT: InfTeams3 and InfTeams5 require you to have the texture file InfSkins in your server package list! Also, these 2 settings do NOT support Skaarj-Players (because there are no skins for them).

Special conversion issues

None... so far... Infiltration is a well created mod and required no general overhaul in any specific area.

Compatibility with other mutators

The Infiltration Game Bridge is a mutator. The general rule is (or should be), that any mutator can be combined with any other mutator, exceptions existing only when one mutator does the opposite of another, but also other cases may occur where incompatibilities may arise.

Some noteworthy interactions:

Legal Issues

The visible changes are bigger than in Serpentine, yet I hold to that this Game Bridge is not meant as deriviative work, but merely an improvement upon existing material and bugfixing.


You --should-- set fair play rules so that you only have one second spawn protection. The expiration when a gun is shot does not work in game bridges (yet). Do NOT tamper with the Standoff fairplay rules though!