Target Unreal 224v, 225f
Language UScript
Type Add-on
Version 0.5
Development Finished.
Deprecated Internal mapvotes exist in EDM and UTF, also: Dots created the ultimate stand-alone mapvote mod.

Description (EN)
Map voting and skip voting...

Players have to TYPE 'mapvote' in game. It is not as good as the UT mapvote and still very much experimental. Also, make sure to have a look at the INCOMPATIBILITY list included in the manual!

Despite players are messaged at the start of the map how to start map voting, and a full usage is included in the on-screen display once a player starts it, some people just have problems understanding it.

Deprecation note:
Both Smartball's Enhanced Death Match (EDM) and my own UTeamFix (UTF) mod have a ready to use mapvoting feature internally with mouse support and overall nicer usage. Use WMapVote only if you cannot use these other mods, because WMapVote is more difficult to understand.

Downloads - Links
WMapVote v0.5 Download (19 KB, no source)
Note: downloads include full manuals